Domain Migration Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Migrating your site from one domain name to another can be accomplished by copying your live site to a preview site and then relaunching it on the new domain name. We provide this service to customers for a cost of $47. To submit your Services request for a domain migration, complete the short form below. Fields marked with a * are required.First Name *Last Name *Email *Current Domain Name *New Domain Name *(do not include http://) Alternative Email *Please provide an alternative email address other than one with your Rainmaker domain name where we can reach you during the time your domain is being migrated.Select one of the following: *Do not include www in Site URLInclude www in Site URLMy Email for the NEW Domain is Hosted By: *Google Apps GmailGoDaddy EmailNamecheap EmailRackspace EmailI don't know/I'll do this laterSingle Checkbox Field *I confirm that the New Domain name, as typed above, is correct.Single Checkbox Field *I understand the site at my current domain will no longer be active once this request has been completed.Note: Once the required information and your payment have been received, we will get back to you with a timeframe for when your migration will be completed by a member of our staff. (We request that no changes be made to your site during the 24-hour period indicated in your domain migration scheduling confirmation.) Note: We will be removing your existing site as part of the process of launching your content on your new domain name.Submit and proceed to payment